Monday, July 5, 2021

Happy Rensing Memories

 David Wohl

Fort Collins, Colorado
June-July 2021

Happy Rensing Memories

The Rensing Center has been a wonderful experience in every way, and it more than fulfilled my expectations: It’s welcoming, generous, and extremely friendly— Thank you, Ellen, for everything you did for all of us, including giving me your smoked paprika for my hummus! The natural beauty of the area and its tranquility have given me the spiritual space, rest, and inspiration to make significant progress on four new piano works, orchestrations on a wind symphony piece, and songs for a new musical that will have a reading in NYC, shortly. Other highlights include joining (on keyboard) jam sessions with the local talent at the Ale House, the Wednesday Flea Market, verdant hikes, and hanging out with my talented and friendly colleagues. Oh, and the sumptuous weekly Sunday evening potluck, filled with jokes, shop talk, friendly gossip, and ghost stories!

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