Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kelly at the keys

Kelly Ward became an instant favorite as she sat down to the keyboard of the just-in-time piano, and floored us with her talent. Look for a chance to hear her in a modest concert here soon.
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Marco feeds us

Another discerning audience soaks up the techniques, and the results, of Marco's annual (we hope!) Italian Cooking class! His cuisine again delighted us both in instructions and in the creative, local, seasonal and organic product. While Marco's English is improving in great leaps, Lorenzo provided vast interpretive and sous-chef skills. The guest list was lively and impressive. New friends were forged.

Lasagna looked and tasted gorgeous. Home grown broccoli was featured in one of four delicious courses. Sign up for next year!
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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Piano Arrives

Deedie Marshall, our muscular and generous minister at Ascension Episcopal Church provides gracious help to Jamie and Benjie as they move our new (to us) Baldwin piano to its new digs at the Main Hall in the Studio. The next day, our new resident Kelly Ward shows up to play Bach and Gershwin on it with stunning affection and skill.

Stay tuned!! We do mean, we hope it will STAY TUNED!!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Driveway is happening!

Our new door will have a new path to it, and the thundering herds of weary, curious and creative feet will not have to bushwhack to get here! Come leave your footprints!
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