Saturday, October 31, 2009

Last year's wine

Just sorting pictures, and this one stood out. Last
April held so many magical gatherings at the Rensing Center's "Art
Camp". Here's Mari Brown and some of our other stalwarts, whose vision and elbow grease have made this place come alive. I can't wait for next April! What's for dinner?
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sparks are flying...

The old studio is seeing new action as Ellen and crew make BIG art out of heavy metal for the lobby of a regional power company. All these recycled materials are incredible fun and are making our hands very dirty.
Benjie Osborne has done an amazing job on the metal frames and concrete bases, so we can dive into the fun part...painting the big picture, on twenty panels, using contributed elements from the company's employees.
What a way to honor history.
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