Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rensing Center: Sounds, Sights, Accoustics, Lights

It has been an amazing first few days.  I arrived late on Monday, around 5:30,
having just missed Ellen evidently, who'd just gone into town
for a cool conversation 'bout trash conservation.

I awoke early on Tuesday, stretching in the dark, doing a salutation to bring up the sun.
Dew glistening on the grassy hill, I lamented having forgotten my rubber boots.
As morning came more brilliantly into its fullness, I imagined myself like my Native ancestors,
stepping as silently as possible onto the foot path to the waterfall.
One squirrel, with nut-filled cheeks, warned another of my presence
and together they sounded the alarm to the flock of turkeys
who obediently flew from sight.
The sentries were conspicuously absent however, upon my return,
enabling me to watch, undetected, a little red fox
who came, unsuspectingly, skipping along quite close before before spying me,
immediately redirecting his course to more human-less ground.

Today again, after awakening  in the dark,
I sat on the porch, the cat and I admiring the star-filled sky.
Later, Xiaoren and I took in the local sights,
went to the flea market, the grocery store and tried, in vain, to find the groovy natural market.
Evelyn has promised to be my tour guide for future outings.
The day would not have been complete without my trying the Accoustics in the newly emptied room behind the potters studio. I recorded myself playing the Native American flute.  Such ambient chamber music!

Used to feeding my own kids at this time, I trotted down to the lower garden,
picked some tiny red tomatoes, swung to the setting sun and fed the bleeding baby goats.
All in all a truly awesome time... And we've only just begun.


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