Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Very Good Intersection

The Rensing Center is on Mile Creek Road, which is literally and metaphorically on the corner of Love + Care Road. I came here frazzled, with weights in my pockets, and Ellen welcomed me into the impossibly large and vital Rensing family, with tendrils that reach back through decades and over continents. In the past week, I have met more people who care about art and the environment and each other than I have in the previous six months.

It is beautiful here. There are goats who stick their necks through the fence when you pass by so that you will stop to rub their heads. There are butterflies drinking nectar around the clock on the bush outside my front door. Today, I spent the afternoon reading a book next to a waterfall. These are the things that bring your shoulders down from your ears, that lift the weights from your pockets, that remind you of the work that is important to you. But if you want to know the heart of this place, you can find it in the Rensing mantra: "It's the people, stupid." 

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